A couple weeks ago i shared with you some of Michael Gadlin's works of art, his studio, and peeks into his journals. He is extremely generous, letting me dig through his art journal and pick his brain over art, his process, and life as an artist. i am back again today to share more of his incredible pages. Imagine me sitting on his studio floor just flipping page after page. Once again i took so many pictures i think I will break it up into two posts.
i wish you could see & touch these pieces up close. They are all different sizes & shape. He always dates each page and usually only works on one side of the page. Sometimes there are written thoughts, and not necessarily about art, in there.
i love how there is usually some kind of introduction page, a way of saying "this is me." He attacks the journal with whatever medium strikes his mood.
You can see he loves variety and pushing the boundaries. His journals are a way to explore ideas, to be creative daily, to see what pours out.
i am in awe of this page, scribble pen strokes that become more than just a mark on page.
i admire how loose he is in his journal, both with pen strokes & brush strokes, as if his hand dances across the page.
Some pages explore upcoming class ideas. He's always thinking of how to teach others and very gifted at conveying ideas.
i really enjoy his figurative and pattern play. The carving in the shape through negative space is something he has us doing in abstract class. After having to do these studies myself, i can appreciate this ablility to "see" things.
Do you have a favorite page? What did you "see" in his work?