or just the beginning. Class is over but it's changed how i think, how i paint. i am so very happy i jumped into this workshop at the Art Student League with Michael. If you ever get a chance to take a class from him, i highly recommend it. It was one of the best creative decisions i have made.
"You got to think, how do i make it my own?" Michael Gadlin
During the last few weeks, Michael brought everything back around to what we started with and gave us the big picture again. It was amazing to see it all tied together. We worked deeper into collage building on previous pieces. Michael asked us to bring interesting bits to collage making the majoritiy of it our work.
it was a cool to walk around the room to see everyone's materials and own creations. Every where i look i found inspiration. So many cool ideas and colors. What i loved best and the willingness to share.
Michael shared a former students work and talked about why it worked. We talked about layers and design elements. it was great to have it broken down in different ways and to see how his former student progressed.
i simply adored the works he brought into class, especially this black & white piece. i wish you could see it up close. The texture was so beautiful as was the design. The layers up on layers was unbelievable too.
I began working on a glazed piece from previous class, adding layers, taking away layers, building it up slowly. Nothing was glued down so i could move things around to see what worked. i admit at time i was completely frustrated but kept on pushing. Once i had an arrangement i really loved i adhered everything in place ready for the next layer.
The final class we worked on a piece from start to well almost finished. It was a way to bring every thing we learned together, trusting our instinct, and see where it lead us in the world of Abstract.
i began working on a large square piece. it was daunting and lovely to stare at the blank white space. Slowly and steadily i started building the layers add bits and pieces i created and collected.
i would step away from the piece to see it's progress. Sometimes you have to step back to see, see where it's at, see where you are going. Michael really challenged me to keep going, even pushing me out of my comfort zone. it was scarey to lose myself but also so rewarding. i saw the painter in me emerging more fully, finding her passion & courage to live out her dream.